Best WordPress Website Tips You Will Read This Year

6 min readMay 20, 2022


The WordPress family is growing so rapidly in today’s time. With its growing pace, it is emerging with new features for creating your very own website from designing it for various reasons like business, bloggers, online marketing, etc.

WordPress is a platform designed for anyone who wishes to have a website be it a beginner or expert. Do you know 36% of the internet was built on WordPress? Of course, the experience of using WordPress is great! But can some tips and tricks make it a better experience? Yes. henceforth, here are some tricks and tips for 2022 for using WordPress and indulging ourselves in the world of SEO, coding, plugins, etc.

Here are some tips for WordPress for this year

The best hosting for our website
  1. Choose the best hosting for our website

It is important to choose good hosting for your website. Anyone looking forward to developing a website will have to host someone for the website to store the website files in a safe and secure way. Without hosting someone for the site, it cannot go live. Find the best hosting provider for your site and WordPress through a WordPress development company.

Unique and attractive theme

2. Select your unique and attractive theme

If the website has an attractive and unique theme people will get attracted to it and apparently you will take one closer step towards success. It is hard to choose the apt theme for the website after looking at so many overwhelming options. See which theme depicts your service in a perfect way.

Do not be afraid about investing in good quality website theme offered by the best WordPress development company. For your WordPress, the users should have a good user experience.

3. Introduce SEO plugins for your website

For your site to pop up first in search engines you need SEO. search engine optimization is one of the fundamental aspects of website development. It is suggested to hand over the job of SEO development for your website to the hands of WordPress development services as they are well versed with SEO. and installing the plugins will make the job easier.

Images faster compress

4. To load the images faster compress them

From the user front, you will also understand the annoyance caused because of waiting around for the site to load. If the file size is bigger it takes too long to load and keeping them as it affects the site performance. Compressing the images and reducing their size will increase the speed of the site’s working as well as save the storage space.

Also, note one point that even if you are compressing your images the quality should not be hampered while doing so. That just creates a negative user experience. If you are handing over this work to WordPress development services they will be well aware of this.

Two-factor verification

5. Limit the login attempts as well as two-factor verification

There are many common forms of attacks used by hackers for breaking into WordPress. To avoid this inconvenience you can limit the number of attempts for logging into your WordPress. And combining this with two-factor verification makes the attacks next to impossible to happen. There are various types of two-factor authentication that you want to use.

6. You can add custom fonts to your WordPress

For adding your own touch to your WordPress you can add custom fonts of your own. While deciding on themes you can include custom fonts. Using a premium theme will directly unable you from using custom fonts. And there are several other plugins available for use.

Sometimes, people do not have knowledge about WordPress, so we recommend taking help from the best web development company. They help in everything from making the WordPress to adding all the other features.

7. Monitor the permalinks

You can understand by the name itself what is permalinks. Permalinks are basically permanent links on your WordPress. For example, the address of your website or the links of individual blogs on the website. Your content should be updated without causing issues. Permalinks include dates and sometimes the user thinks that the content is outdated and old.

To avoid this issue custom the permalinks. The company managing SEO can manage permalinks for WordPress too.

Internal links

8. Create internal links

If your content is engaging and appealing people will stay. But all they see is the latest content posted. To solve this problem creating internal links is helpful. Create internal links often categorized as relatable content. Create internal links using several methods such as by using plugins for WordPress.

9. Use google analytics

During launching WordPress you cannot just install it and leave it as it is. WordPress needs to be updated once in a while. For tracking the progress and feedback of users one should install google analytics. Google Analytics is a prominent tool for tracking performance and interacting with people.

The WordPress development company will ease the job of installing google analytics and guide you through the whole process.

Maintenance service for your WordPress

10. Hire a maintenance service for your WordPress

Invest in a good WordPress maintenance service without having a second thought about the investment. Investing in a good WordPress maintenance service is for the long term good for keeping the website top-notch. After installing WordPress using all the good features even then there can be some issues taking place. To solve these issues that you are unfamiliar with needs some service that can maintain the site.


These are some of the tips of WordPress for this year that might be helpful. It is very essential to keep up the WordPress with the latest technology. Sometimes, not everyone knows how to handle the basic features of WordPress, and even if someone knows the basic features some issues can occur which are totally unknown. In this case, it is highly recommended to hire the best web development company in charge of solving such issues that even someone knowing high troubleshooting cannot do. solving the problems individually can cost more than hiring a WordPress development company. Hence, the last and most important tip is to maintain your site with a WordPress development service without any cause of doubt in mind.




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